# Integer Representations
如单字节的 5 的原码为:0000 0101;-5 的原码为 1000 0101。
如单字节的 5 的反码为:0000 0101;-5 的反码为 1111 1010。
补码:正数的补码就是其原码;负数的反码 + 1 就是补码。
如单字节的 5 的补码为:0000 0101;-5 的补码为 1111 1011。
在计算机中,正数是直接用原码表示的,如单字节 5,在计算机中就表示为:0000 0101。
负数用补码表示,如单字节 - 5,在计算机中表示为 1111 1011。
规则不仅复杂抽象不说,也无助于我们理解无符号和有符号的转换,无符号与有符号的扩展。当我阅读 CSAPP Chapter 2 Representing and Manipulating Information,忽然如沐春风,豁然开朗。如下是部分笔记。
# Unsigned and Two’s-Complement Encodings
Assume we have an integer data type of bits. We write a bit vector as either , to denote the entire vector, or as to denote the individual bits within the vector. Treating as a number written in binary notation, we obtain the unsigned interpretation of . We express this interpretation as a function (for “binary to unsigned”, length )
\begin{equation} B2U_w(\vec{x}) = \sum_{i = 0}^{w-1} x_i 2^i \end{equation}We wish to represent negative values as well by two’s-complement form. This is defined by interpreting the most significant bit of the word to have negative weight. We express this interpretation as a function (for “binary to two’s-complement” length )
\begin{equation} B2T_w(\vec{x}) = -x_{w - 1} 2^{w-1} + \sum_{i = 0}^{w-2} x_i 2^i \end{equation}Problem: find the
\begin{align} \because {5 + -5 = 0} \\ 0000 \space 0101 + 1\space\underbrace{\vec{x_6, x_5, ..., x_0}}_\text{x} = 0 \\ \underbrace{\vec{x_6, x_5, ..., x_0}}_\text{x} = 1000 \space 000 - 0000 \space 0101 \\ \underbrace{\vec{x_6, x_5, ..., x_0}}_\text{x} = 0111 \space 1011\\ \therefore {B2T_w(-5) = 1111 \space 1011} \end{align}# Conversions Between Singed and Unsigned
\begin{gather} U2B_w(x) = B2U_w^{-1}(x) \\ T2B_w(x) = B2T_w^{-1}(x) \end{gather}These functions give the unsigned or two’s-complement bit patterns for a numeric value. Consider the function
\begin{gather} U2T_w(x) = B2T_w(U2B_w(x)) \end{gather}which takes a number between 0 and and yields a number between , where the two numbers have identical bit representations, except that the argument is unsigned, while the result has a two’s-complement representation. Conversely, the function
\begin{gather} T2U_w(x) = B2U_w(T2B_w(x)) \end{gather}yields the unsigned number having the same bit representation as the two’s-complement value of x.
To get a better understanding of the relation between a signed number and its unsigned counterpart , we can use the fact that they have identical bit representations to derive a numerical relationship.
\begin{align} B2U_w(\vec{x}) - B2T_w(\vec{x}) = x_{w-1}(2^{w-1} - - 2^{w-1}) = x_{w-1}2^w \\ \end{align}This gives a relationship . If we let , we then have
\begin{equation} B2U_w(T2B_w(x)) = T2U_w(x) = x_{w-1}2^w + x \end{equation}This relationship is useful for proving relationships between unsigned and two’s-complement arithmetic. In the two’s-complement representation of , bit determines whether or not is negative, giving
\begin{equation} T2U_w(x) = \begin{cases} x + 2^w, & x \lt 0\\ x, & x \ge 0 \end{cases} \end{equation}
Going in the other direction, we wish to derive the relationship between an unsigned number and its signed counterpart If we let , then we have
In the unsigned representation of , bit determines whether or not is greater than or equal to , giving
\begin{equation} U2T_w(x) = \begin{cases} x, & x \lt 2^{w-1}\\ x - 2^w, & x \ge 2^{w-1} \end{cases} \end{equation}# 2.2.5 Expanding the Bit Representation of a Number
zero extension: To convert an unsigned number to a larger data type, we simply add leading 0s to the representation.
sign extension: To convert an signed(two’s-complement) number to a larger data type, , add leading most significant bit to the representation.
\begin{align} B2T_{w+1}([x_{w-1}, x_{w-1}, x_{w-2},...x_0]) &= -x_{w-1}2^w + [\sum_0^{w-1}x_i2^i] \\ &= -x_{w-1}2^w + x_{w-1}2^{w-1} +[\sum_0^{w-2}x_i2^i] \\ & = -x_{w-1}2^{w-1} +[\sum_0^{w-2}x_i2^i] \\ & = B2T_w([x_{w-1},x_{w-2},...x_0] \end{align}# Truncating Numbers
\begin{align} B2U_w([x_{w-1}, x_{w-2},...x_0]) \space mod \space 2^k &= [\sum_0^{w-1}x_i2^i]\space mod\space 2^k \\ &= [\sum_0^{k-1}x_i2^i] \space mod \space 2^k \\ & = [\sum_0^{k-1}x_i2^i] \\ & = B2U_w([x_{k-1},x_{k-2},...x_0] \end{align}# 2.4.1 Fractional Binary Numbers
Fractional binary notation:
\begin{equation} b = b_mb_{m-1}...b_1b_0.b_{-1}...b_{-n} = \sum_{i=-n}^mi^i * b_i \end{equation}This notation is not efficient for representing , which would consist of the bit pattern 101 followed by 100 zeros. Instead, we would like to represent numbers in a form by giving the values of and .
The IEEEE floating-point standard represents a number in a form
- The sign s determines whether the number is negative ( s = 1) or positive (s = 0).
- The significant M is a fractional binary number that ranges either between 1 and or between 0 and
- The exponent E weights the value by a (possibly negative ) power of 2.
The bit representation of a floating-point number is divided into three fields to encode these values:
- The single sign bit s directly encodes the sign s.
- The k-bit exponent field encodes the exponent E.
- The n-bit fraction field encodes the significant M.
Normalized Values
The bit pattern of is neither all 0s nor all 1s. The exponent value is where is the unsigned number having bit representation , and Bias is a bias value .
Denormalized Values
When the exponent field is all 0s.
Special Values
- Infinity: When the exponent field is all 1s and the fraction field is all 0s.
- NaN: When the exponent field is all 1s but the fraction field is nonzero.
Problem 2.33: k = 2, n = 2,
Bits | e | E | f | M | V |
0 00 00 | 0 | 0 ( 1 - bias) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 00 01 | 0 | 0 ( 1 - bias) | 1/4 | 1/4 | 1/4 |
0 00 10 | 0 | 0 ( 1 - bias) | 2/4 | 2/4 | 2/4 |
0 00 11 | 0 | 0 ( 1 - bias) | 3/4 | 3/4 | 3/4 |
0 01 00 | 1 | 0 ( e - bias) | 0 | 4/4 | 4/4 |
0 01 01 | 1 | 0 | 1/4 | 5/4 | 5/4 |
0 01 10 | 1 | 0 | 2/4 | 6/4 | 6/4 |
0 01 11 | 1 | 0 | 3/4 | 7/4 | 7/4 |
0 10 00 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 4/4 | 8/4 |
0 10 01 | 2 | 1 | 1/4 | 5/4 | 10/4 |
0 10 10 | 2 | 1 | 2/4 | 6/4 | 12/4 |
0 10 11 | 2 | 1 | 3/4 | 7/4 | 14/4 |
0 11 00 | - | - | - | - | |
0 11 01 | - | - | - | - | NaN |