# 目录

  1. 单词卡片效果图
  2. Android 单词卡片应用下载
  3. 下载安装 GoldenDict 应用
  4. 下载词库文件并放置在 GoldenDict 目录

# 单词卡片效果图


# 使用示例

比方说,dish 是个初级词汇,我们很早就知道,它是盘子的意思,恐怕我们很多人也仅知道如此,但这对于我们语言表达还是词穷的。所以就算单词我们已经学过了,依然需要按照科学的方式重新学习。GoldenDict 一查,好家伙,居然还有这么多名词意思。(后面的汉字是为了表达清晰,具体学习,千万别去想中文含义,原则依然是用英语学习英语,看到 dish,不应该想到盘子,而是图画,或者英文释义或者例句,如果可以自己造句就更棒了)

a flat container with low sides, for serving food from or cooking food in ⇨ bowl:

  • a big dish of curry (量词,一盘菜)
  • wash, dry put away, etc the dishes (泛指餐具,不仅是盘子了)
  • a restaurant specializing in Indonesian dishes (风味)
  • This soup is substantial enough to serve as a main dish (主菜)
  • Mary's new boy-friend's quite a dish, isn't he? (帅气)


  • The scandal dished his hope of being elected. (使破灭)
  • Don't get into a fight with him: he can really dish it out. (attack sb fiercely with words or blows)
  • There were students dishing out leaflets to passers-by.
  • Could you dish up the fruits?


  • dishful: About as much as a dish will hold.
  • dishy: physically attractive, or handsome.
  • dishcloth: Cloth for washing dish.
  • dishwasher: Machine or person that washes dishes.
  • dish-water: Water used for washing dishes. (Her coffee tastes like dish-water)


  • food noun [uncountable and countable] things that people and animals eat: You can buy good fresh food in the market. | Do you like Japanese food?
  • dish noun [countable] a type of food that is cooked in a particular way: a traditional English dish | They also offer vegetarian dishes.
  • speciality British English, specialty American English noun [countable] a type of food that a restaurant or place is famous for: Fish dishes are a specialty of the region. | Home made pies are one of the hotel’s specialities.
  • delicacy noun [countable] an unusual food which people in a particular place like to eat: The local delicacies include laverbread (boiled seaweed). | I was keen to try out the local delicacies.
  • diet noun [countable] the type of food that someone usually eats: You shouldn’t have too much salt in your diet. | In the Andes, the main diet is beans, potatoes, and corn.
  • cooking noun [uncountable] food made in a particular way, or by a particular person: Herbs are used a lot in French cooking. | I love my Mum’s home cooking.
  • cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ noun [countable] formal the food you can eat in a particular restaurant, country, or area: Italian cuisine | Trying the local cuisine is all part of the fun of travelling.
  • nutrition noun [uncountable] food considered as something that is necessary for good health and growth: a book on nutrition | Many homeless people suffer from poor nutrition.
  • nourishment /ˈnʌrɪʃmənt $ ˈnɜː-, ˈnʌ-/ noun [uncountable] goodness that you get from food, which helps your body to stay healthy: There's not much nourishment in fast food.
  • fare noun [uncountable] formal the kind of food that is served in a place – used especially when saying how interesting it is: In China you can feast on bird’s nest soup and other exotic fare. | Dinner was pretty standard fare (=the usual kind of food).



# 单词卡片下载

  1. 单词记忆闪卡 点击链接安装,需要你手机有 Play Store。

# 下载安装 GoldenDict


  1. 点击单词记忆闪卡右上角菜单 -> 点击辞典 -> 选择某个版本的 GoldenDict 安装,免费为宜。
  2. http://goldendict.mobi/downloads/android/free/ 选择某个版本下载安装即可。
  3. 下载链接: http://market.android.com/details?id=mobi.goldendict.android.free
  4. 如果用浏览器无法下载安装 GoldenDict,自行打开 Android 手机自带的应用市场,搜素 GoldenDict,如果这里搜索的到,下载安装亦可。

第一次启动会提示安装词库(如下图),并在 Android 手机存储器根目录创建 GoldenDict 目录(即文件夹)

# 下载词库文件


  1. 点击单词记忆闪卡右上角菜单 -> 点击辞典 -> 选择你需要的辞典下载即可,程序会帮你将文件放置在手机存储器根目录下的 GoldenDict 目录
    下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1oV6AxRUlX1c7mpE352bt8w 提取码: uxtw
  2. Android 手机下载以下词库文件即可,下载完毕解压(注意⚠️,必须解压),并放到手机存储器的 GoldenDict 目录。具体操作步骤可参考下一节,或者自行 Google 百度。
  • En-En_Longman_DOCE5
  • En-En_Merriam_Webster11
  • En-En_OALD8
  • Oxford_Advanced_Learner_English-Chinese_Dictionary-4th.bgl

作为参考和对照,这个是我 Android Pixel 手机 File 应用打开的 GoldenDict 目录截图

重新启动 GoldenDict,开始索引词库。完毕后可以在搜索框输入单词查询。

# 电脑手机文件传输

# Windows 计算机

  1. 解锁手机。
  2. 使用 USB 数据线将手机连接到计算机。
  3. 在手机上,点按 “正在通过 USB 为此设备充电” 通知。
  4. 在 “USB 的用途” 下,选择文件传输。
  5. 计算机上将打开一个文件传输窗口。请使用该窗口拖动文件。
  6. 完成后,从 Windows 中弹出您的手机。
  7. 拔下 USB 数据线。

# Mac 计算机

  1. 在您的计算机上下载并安装 Android 文件传输
  2. 打开 Android 文件传输。在您下次连接手机时,该应用会自动打开。
  3. 解锁手机。
  4. 使用 USB 数据线将手机连接到计算机。
  5. 在手机上,点按 “正在通过 USB 为此设备充电” 通知。
  6. 在 “USB 的用途” 下,选择文件传输。
  7. 计算机上将打开一个 Android 文件传输窗口。请使用该窗口拖动文件。
  8. 完成后,拔下 USB 数据线。

# 最后

应用图标由久未联系的足球队友余朝阳协助制作,在此特别鸣谢。设计理念由我匆忙提出,雪花和荧光元素寓意囊萤映雪,而 hello word 则与程序员学新语言写的第一个程序输出的传统文化一脉相承,希望大家可以坚持轻松愉悦学习,最后轻松驾驭英语。

如果有遇到任何问题,特别是下载词库文件并放置在手机存储器指定目录这个步骤。欢迎留下评论或者给我邮件 limxtop@gmail.com ,我会尽力协助。